Help prepare your child to enter school ready to read! This storytime includes books, rhymes, and literacy activities that emphasize alphabet and letter recognition, plus activities that support independence and confidence building.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This program is for both caregiver and child, and is not a structured program. Ages 6 to 24 months with caregiver.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This program is for both caregiver and child, and is not a structured program. Ages 6 to 24 months with caregiver.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This program is for both caregiver and child, and is not a structured program. Ages 3 to 24 months with caregiver.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.
Black History Month: I Have a Dream Bubbles
Stop by the children's area and fill out a speech bubble in response of Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" Speech. These bubbles will be displayed in the children's area during January and February.
Bring your craft, your supplies and your passion! Meet other crafters and creators, share your ideas and get new ones! Adults. Registration is not required.
Do you love to geek out about your latest reads? Are you excited to plan and track your reading for 2023? Join us for an afterhours readers' party at the Central Library!