Bond with your infant and build early language skills through rhymes, repetition, and music. Your child will enjoy quality board books and one-on-one book sharing. Ages 3-12 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, book sharing, and hands-on activities with your child. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child.
Explore cloud-based storage with Google Drive. Learn how to create, upload, organize, and share documents from any Internet-capable device. Prerequisites: Ability to use mouse, keyboard, and Internet or have taken Internet for Beginners. Adults.
For more information please visit
Enjoy a warm and inviting space where you and your child can play and socialize with others in the community. Please note: This is a social event for both caregiver and child, as opposed to a traditionally structured program.
Join us for a StoryWalk® featuring Following Papa's Song by Gianna Marino. Engage in fun activities while you read the story, learn more about humpback whales, and explore the library!
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, book sharing and hands-on activities with your child. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is not required, seating is limited due to room capacity.
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
Build confidence and independence with an increased focus on more complex books, emphasizing alphabet and letter recognition, shapes, and hands-on activities. Age 3 with caregiver. Registration is not required.
Come and enjoy a craft that you and your child can participate in between storytimes. Each Make & Take Craft will be based off of something that was learned in storytime and further enrich your child's knowledge. Ages 2-3 with caregiver.
Boost independence and develop social skills using writing activities, basic concepts (i.e., colors, shapes, letters, etc.), large muscle movement, and social-emotional learning opportunities focusing on the whole child. Age 2 with a caregiver.
Bring your preschooler to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math in this interactive program. Age 3-5 with caregiver. Registration is required.
"I Have a Dream" Speech Bubbles Project
Stop by the children's area and fill out a speech bubble in response of Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" Speech. These bubbles will be displayed in the children's area during January.
Bring your craft, your supplies and your passion! Meet other crafters and creators, share your ideas and get new ones! Adults. Registration is not required.
Get together with other adults with disabilities for socializing and entertainment. Build friendships, offer support, and share accomplishments. Adults. Registration is required.
Switch off, and play some classic board and card games with other teens.
Grades 9-12 and homeschool teens. Registration is not required; just drop in!
Explore Science, Engineering, Technology, Arts and Math in this interactive program. Grades K-2. Registration is required.
Meet KIBO, one of the library's robotic toys. Join us as we create code and design a snowplow to help KIBO escape the snow. Grades K-2.
Join us Wednesdays for teen-only activities. Enjoy movies, games, crafts, and more, with different selections each week. Grades 6-12. Registration is not required; drop in any time!
Weekly Themes:
This is a perfect treat that will bring colorful birds your way. These creative and stylish treat hangers are fun and easy to make. All skill levels welcome, all supplies will be provided. Registration is required.
Ready to go WILD? Join us for a nature-themed Name That Tune game and win some fabulous prizes!
Adults. Registration required.