Enjoy stories, rhymes, songs, and early literacy with increased focus on more complex books. Age 3 with caregiver. Registration for this 5-week virtual series is required.
Outdoor Program: Combined Rhyme Time on the Lawn
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, baby sign, and hands-on activities. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Outdoor Storytime: Combined Rhyme Time
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, baby signs, book sharing and hands-on activities. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Enjoy stories, rhymes, songs, concepts (i.e. colors, shapes, etc.) and early literacy tips with your curious toddler, as he develops independence as well as pre-literacy and social skills. Age 2 with caregiver.
We emphasize alphabet and letter recognition and activities that support independence and confidence building. This storytime includes books, rhymes and literacy activities to help children enter school ready to learn to read.
Learn how to use a web browser to access the web and practice useful strategies for finding and evaluating information on the internet. Prerequisites: Ability to use a computer mouse/keyboard or have taken Computers for Beginners. Adults.
For more information please visit libraries.virginiabeach.gov/research-learn/technology.
Outdoor Program: Combined Rhyme Time on the Lawn
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, baby sign, and hands-on activities. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Enjoy stories, rhymes, songs, concepts (i.e. colors, shapes, etc.) and early literacy tips with your curious toddler, as he develops independence as well as pre-literacy and social skills. Age 2 with caregiver.
Outdoor Combined Rhyme Time
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, baby sign, and book sharing. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration for this 5 week-long series is required.
Outdoor Storytime: Combined Rhyme Time
Build early language and large motor skills through rhyme, songs, baby signs, book sharing and hands-on activities. Ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Registration is required.
Let’s build stuff with LittleBits, modular electronic Bits! This hands-on tech allows you to build things like alarms, toy cars, and so much more! There will be stations set up with various tasks cards for you to build projects.
Explore Science, Engineering, Technology, Arts and Math in this interactive series. Grades K-2. Registration for this 5 week-long series is required. This program will be presented outside on the lawn.
Learn how to hydro dip to decorate your planter with a unique look. Materials provided (part of this will take place outdoors).
Grades 6-12. Registration is required.
Did you know there are only thirteen true ghost stories? Join us tonight and every night until Halloween, as our readers share a terrifying tale from the book Ghost: Thirteen Haunting Tales to Tell. Warning: the
We will be meeting inside in the Corduroy Room. We will discuss the October selections, Vox and This Tender Land. Titles for November TBD.